Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors

Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors
Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors, Key Note Speakers, Registered Professional Counselors - Photo by Capturing Moments

Living Above the Line

Relationship Help Centers - RON & TINA KONKIN, - Living Above The Line is the legacy we want to create for every man, woman, and child because we believe life was meant to be lived abundantly. To learn more about how you can live a fulfilled life both personally and in your relationships then Living Above The Line with the Konkins is a blog you will want to follow.

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Relationship Help Centers offers the renown Exclusive Couples Retreat & the intensive Relationship BootCamp. Both are recommended by Dr. Phil and used as a resource on his website. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed-Simmons attended the Exclusive Couples Retreat before they decided to tie the knot. Visit for more information on all of our programs.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"4 Proven Health Benefits of Marriage"

If you've ever felt like your spouse is "killing you", you were wrong!  Many studies are showing that married people are healthier and live longer, so in fact, your spouse is helping to keep you alive!

Here's an interesting article that was published in that highlights just a few of the benefits of staying married:

By Barbara Brody

"Sure, marriage is hard work, but if yours is a happy one most of the time, both you and your spouse will reap major health benefits.
“People who are married can have a built-in support system and social network. One of you might encourage the other to eat better or join in a workout, or nag until the other stops smoking,” explains Alice Domar, PhD, coauthor of Live a Little!

 Married folks are less likely to...

…develop diabetes. Women with higher-than-normal blood glucose readings were more apt to end up with full-blown diabetes if they lived alone rather than with a partner, says research published in the journal Diabetes Care.

…have hypertension. Researchers from Brigham Young University found that happily married people had the healthiest blood pressure levels. The catch: Unhappy couples had the worst readings. “I have counseled some patients to get divorced,” says Dr. Domar. “A bad marriage is worse for you than being single.”

…smoke or drink too much—compared with people who never married, are divorced or are widowed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

…die prematurely. People who never married are 58 percent more likely to die early, according to a study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health."

Original article appeared on

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