Sometimes simple little habits that we create can have a huge impact on our lives... both positive and negative. I came across this article from and it has such a great, simple, easy tip to create AND spread more happiness by practicing one simple little habit; SMILING : )
I hope you're smiling by the end of it! ENJOY!
Need a reason to smile as you walk down the street or drive alone in your car?
As part of my resolution to “Lighten up,” I’ve been trying to remember to smile in odd moments.
At first I felt a bit silly as I walked along with a smile on my face, but I quickly realized that no one minds if you’re looking happy. I also try to smile whenever I interact with someone—buying a cup of coffee, checking in at the gym, going through security before going up to an office (is it only in New York City that you have to show your driver’s license in order to go into an office building?).
Facial expressions don’t merely reflect emotions, they also affect emotions. In “facial feedback,” studies show, the mere act of smiling makes people happier—even when they smile mechanically, as I’m doing, or when they’re asked not to “smile” but rather to contract specific facial muscles.
Random smiling is an example of my resolution to “Act as I want to feel”: while people suppose that feelings inspire actions, in fact, actions also inspire feelings. So by acting happier, I should feel happier. And you know, I think I do. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,” Thich Nhat Hanh wrote, “but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
Also, because of emotional contagion, people often mimic the faces of people they see. I’ve definitely noticed that people are much more likely to smile at me when I’m smiling.
The biggest challenge is to remember to do it. I’m reminded of my various efforts to improve my posture. I’m good for a little while, then get distracted and don’t think about it for the rest of the day. So I’ve been trying to use the sight of a traffic light as a prompt.
Living Above the Line
Relationship Help Centers - RON & TINA KONKIN, - Living Above The Line is the legacy we want to create for every man, woman, and child because we believe life was meant to be lived abundantly. To learn more about how you can live a fulfilled life both personally and in your relationships then Living Above The Line with the Konkins is a blog you will want to follow.
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Relationship Help Centers offers the renown Exclusive Couples Retreat & the intensive Relationship BootCamp. Both are recommended by Dr. Phil and used as a resource on his website. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed-Simmons attended the Exclusive Couples Retreat before they decided to tie the knot. Visit for more information on all of our programs.
Relationship Help Centers offers the renown Exclusive Couples Retreat & the intensive Relationship BootCamp. Both are recommended by Dr. Phil and used as a resource on his website. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed-Simmons attended the Exclusive Couples Retreat before they decided to tie the knot. Visit for more information on all of our programs.
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