Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors

Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors
Ron & Tina Konkin- Founding Directors, Key Note Speakers, Registered Professional Counselors - Photo by Capturing Moments

Living Above the Line

Relationship Help Centers - RON & TINA KONKIN, - Living Above The Line is the legacy we want to create for every man, woman, and child because we believe life was meant to be lived abundantly. To learn more about how you can live a fulfilled life both personally and in your relationships then Living Above The Line with the Konkins is a blog you will want to follow.

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Relationship Help Centers offers the renown Exclusive Couples Retreat & the intensive Relationship BootCamp. Both are recommended by Dr. Phil and used as a resource on his website. Gene Simmons & Shannon Tweed-Simmons attended the Exclusive Couples Retreat before they decided to tie the knot. Visit for more information on all of our programs.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Don't, The case against marriage - How sad is that!

How sad how far the world has come from little girls growing up planning the white wedding dress and playing house to Sex In The City attitude!


This article in Newsweek by two late 20s/early 30s women says there are no longer any rational reasons for women to marry:

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  1. if you couldn't click on the link above try this:
